At times during these past 12 months, I must confess, it felt like we were running in quicksand here at Piara Waters Resort!
When we sit back and reflect, though, the truth is that we have made tremendous progress. This is especially impressive given we have been working through a very difficult time in WA’s construction and labour market – probably one of the most challenging our team is likely to ever experience.
The proof, as they say, is in the pudding and when you look at the two aerial pictures on page 17, one taken in April 2022 and one taken in April this year, they tell a story of success and activity.
Our team is currently constructing our 68th home, our Lake House facilities and central park space are complete, and work is underway on the main Clubhouse. We are also preparing the civil infrastructure and roads for the next 24 homes. At this rate, the Resort may only take a few more years to complete, rather than the five or six years we originally planned on.
With all these happenings, we’ve had the privilege of meeting such a great bunch of people who’ve trusted us to make the blossoming Piara Waters Resort their home.
We are fortunate the Providence brand is being very well received in the market – especially amongst early retirees and couples and singles without kids – and we are going to have to have another busy year ahead to keep up with demand.
Until next time,
Information in this article is true and correct as of 15 June 2023.