After a myriad of winter storms and unprecedented rain, we’re happy to welcome spring and blue skies!
The wild weather has been challenging for our construction team but we have nearly 30 homes on site and homeowners are excited to be settling in!
Extensive fencing will soon be installed around the perimeter of Stage 1 and 2, along with gorgeous landscaping into the main entry off Warton Road. Our beautiful Lake House, set within natural wetlands, is nearing completion and will no doubt be a welcome retreat for our community of homeowners and staff.
Construction of the main Clubhouse will start soon and is due to be ready by the end of next year. This Hamptons-inspired space will be first-class and a game-changer for those living in the Resort.
With all the activity, including setting up two display homes on site, we’ve been inundated with enquiries and people viewing the homes have been very impressed with the high level of the fit out and attention to detail.
These homes are the best-of-the-best in the Lifestyle Resort sector and I’m happy to book private viewings if you’re keen to find out more and have a closer look. Please feel free to contact me direct on (08) 6266 8343.
The friendships and renewed vitality, health and wellbeing we’re already witnessing is inspiring, and highlights the many positives of downsizing. Being footloose and fancy free.
Remember, there’s no stamp duty and zero exit fees at Piara Waters Lifestyle Resort!
I look forward to meeting you soon.
Information in this article is true and correct as of 4 September 2022.